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Underage drinking is a persistent problem that deserves increased attention. The legal drinking age is 21, and it is a law that protects teens. Most teen alcohol-related deaths are not due to traffic accidents, but from homicide, suicide, poisoning, burns, and drowning. Plus, about 180,000 kids visit the ER each year because of problems related to alcohol. So “taking away the keys” is not the answer, and turning a blind eye to teen drinking can contribute to harm. Most teens who drink get their alcohol from “social” sources – from friends or family, or by taking it from a home.

That’s why it is important to focus on stopping these sources of easy access. DontServeTeens.gov is an FTC-led campaign to reduce underage drinking, providing information in English and Spanish about the rates and risks of teen drinking, links to state alcohol laws, tips on how to talk to friends and neighbors about serving alcohol to teens, and free downloadable artwork and media materials that organizations can use in their communities. Visit DontServeTeens.gov for more information.


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